What Are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy?
Although not every woman has early pregnancy symptoms, many do. Some women have several pregnancy symptoms, while others have only a few symptoms. Early pregnancy symptoms include missed periods, breast soreness, exhaustion, frequent urination, nausea, and fatigue. These early pregnancy symptoms may appear when you miss your period for a week or two.
Pregnancy symptoms of every woman are unique, and they might even differ from one pregnancy to the next. Some women feel pregnant right away, while others may go months without showing any early signs of pregnancy. Do not hesitate to speak with your doctor if you have any concerns. See your doctor straight away if you have vaginal bleeding, broken water, chronic pain, high temperature, or vision loss.
If you are noticing any pregnancy symptoms, Contact Parvathi Hospital for the Best Pregnancy and Obstetrics services in Hyderabad.
Five Common Signs of Pregnancy
There are diverse signs and symptoms of pregnancy that you may notice. Symptoms of pregnancy might differ widely from woman to woman during the pregnancy. It is crucial not to compare your pregnancy to that of another woman.
- Missing Periods
The most common and visible early sign of pregnancy is a missed period. This indicates that your period has ended, and you will not have another period until after the baby is delivered. Your body produces hormones that hinder ovulation and the loss of your uterine lining once you’ve conceived.
On the other hand, delaying your period isn’t usually a pregnancy symptom. Stress, heavy exercise, diets, hormone imbalances, and other conditions that cause irregular periods might also lead you to miss your period.
- Frequent Urination
You may recognize that you need to urinate more frequently, even before missing a period. This is because your body has more blood than previously. The blood flow to your body increases throughout pregnancy. Your kidneys filter out the additional waste in your blood, which leaves your body through urine. You will have to urinate more if you have a lot of blood in your body.
- Fatigue
Although no one knows what causes early pregnancy exhaustion, quickly rising progesterone levels are probably to blame. Of course, morning sickness and the need to pee frequently throughout the night might contribute to your sleepiness. Once you reach your second trimester, you should feel more energized. However, weariness often returns later in pregnancy as you gain weight and some of the frequent pregnancy discomforts make getting a good night’s sleep more difficult.
- Nausea
Morning sickness often begins one to two months after conception and can occur on any day or night. On the other hand, some women experience nausea early in pregnancy, while others do not. While the exact reason for nausea during pregnancy is unknown, pregnancy hormones are most likely to blame.
- Sore Breasts
Sensitive, swollen breasts are a frequent early pregnancy symptom of increased hormone levels. Your breasts may feel sore and swollen in an exaggerated version of their feelings before your menstruation.

As your body gets adjusted to the hormonal changes, your discomfort should decrease dramatically after the first trimester.
Infographic: Common Signs of Pregnancy
Less Common Symptoms of Pregnancy
There are a few other early pregnancy indications that aren’t as prevalent. These indicators of pregnancy, like the most pervasive symptoms, may or may not occur. It’s crucial to remember that everybody is different and will have various symptoms.
Cravings: The desire for specific foods is frequent during pregnancy, particularly for calcium and energy foods, such as milk and other dairy products. You can discover a sudden dislike for things you used to enjoy.
Mood Swings: Some newly pregnant women experience irritation and mood swings. Other pregnant ladies report feeling ecstatic. Pregnancy hormones affect chemicals in the brain, creating mood swings.
Light Spotting: One of the early indicators of pregnancy could be light spotting. It can happen 10 to 14 days (about two weeks) after conceiving when the fertilized egg adheres to the lining of the uterus.
Cramping: You can get cramps that make you think your menstruation is about to start. If your cramps are primarily felt on one side of your body or are severe, you should seek medical attention.
Bloating: Hormonal changes in early pregnancy might make you feel bloated, comparable to when you first menstruate.
Constipation: If you are expecting your first child, constipation can be a warning sign. It is caused by a rise in progesterone, a hormone that relaxes smooth muscles all over the body, including those in the digestive tract.
When Should You Take a Pregnancy Test?
If you suspect you’re pregnant, the best time to take a home pregnancy test is one week after you first miss a period. If you test too soon, you can obtain a false negative or an ambiguous result, such as a faint line. A blood test can typically detect pregnancy much earlier, but it must be performed in a doctor’s office or clinical setting.
When Should You Call the Doctor?
Contact the doctor if your home pregnancy test yields a positive result. They will perform an examination and a second test to confirm your pregnancy. The Parvathi Hospital suggests that you see a medical practitioner as early as possible in your pregnancy to keep both you and the fetus healthy. You can then plan prenatal checkups at regular intervals throughout your pregnancy.
- What are the symptoms of early pregnancy?
Missed periods, frequent urination, food cravings, fatigue, nausea, and sore breasts are some of the common starting symptoms of pregnancy.
- Is abdominal pain a sign of pregnancy?
As an early sign and symptom of pregnancy, many women will experience uterine cramps. Period cramps or even soreness on one side are possible symptoms. Your uterus is growing, which is the most typical cause of discomfort.
- Is frequent urination a sign of pregnancy?
Urination is a common early indication of pregnancy, and it can start as soon as a few weeks after conception. However, most people will feel a sense of urgency between weeks 10 to 13 when the uterus starts pressing against the bladder.
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